15 Lessons from 2015

Today is page 365 in the novel of  2015. As much as I would like this novel to be finished and set upon the bookshelf to gather dust, it must be continually referenced as the story will continue through the sequel of 2016, 2017, and up until I am taken from this life.  As I reflect on this past year I realize that every single chapter, word, syllable, and letter is important to how the story plays out. Of course, this is never realized in the moment, but even the most frivolous things shape identity, circumstances, and the future. One conversation could develop a new friendship. A word of encouragement could be just what was needed in that second to continue fighting. A smile could show someone you care when it appears as if no one does. In a similar sense, a negative word or deed can dilute joy and completely change attitudes. Much hurt and struggle is seemingly irreversible and cannot be easily forgotten. Worry and angst engulfs the mind drowning it in negative thoughts that most definitely influences words and actions.

I truly believe that taking more time and thought for the "little things" will produce a more complete and fulfilling "big picture". Take the beautiful Saint Chapelle located in Paris as an example. The intricate stained glass windows are created by minuscule, individual pieces that make up a gorgeous masterpiece depicting a complete story.
Even the pieces that have a not-so-pretty appearance on their own, look beautiful with the whole image and with the light emitting through them. Because the Great Master uses the ugliness in our life to radiate His light. God knows EVERYTHING about us, every moment and every hair on our head. Shouldn't we put in the effort to let God work through both the little ugly and pretty moments in our life? 

Through examining the "little moments" in life, I have been exposed to many truths this past year, of which I will share 15. 
1. Failure is okay
2. Hard work and determination have great rewards 
3. Invest in relationships that truly matter
4. Being "nice" can sometimes hurt you or the recipients of "nice" deeds 
5. Bad days are inevitable, decide they won't get the better of you
6. Be confident in who you are and your God given abilities
7. Pray for others 
8. Don't make excuses, learn from mistakes and strive to be better in the future. 
9. Be patient and understanding to those around you: You may not see the world the same way but realize they are equally created and loved. 
10. Physical and mental rest is important for one's well-being 
11. Growth happens from venturing into uncomfortable situations 
12. Worry less, live more. Let God have control. 
13. "Adulting" is hard. Listen to the advice of those who have gone before you
14. There is not an easy equation for anything in life 
15. Perfection is simply not attainable 

2015 has been quite a year filled with doubt, confusion, joy, and excitement. Not one label can explain the roller coaster of events or emotions from this past year. So as I bid farewell to the physical year of 2015 I know that many things will carry over into the sequel of 2016. My prayer is to continue in the lessons learned, but leave behind the baggage of 2015, starting anew in my faith, relationships, habits, and motivation. "Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards". 

May the Lord bless you and keep you, 


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