Observations while in Ukraine

Experiencing new culture and language barriers is always a bit challenging. Suddenly, almost everything previously learned from past experiences, is almost completely irrelevant and one must relearn by observation and trial and error. Here I will share new experiences, observations, and many funny "oops" stories.

1. There is no such thing as baking powder here. We learned this the hard way after purchasing 2 bags of flour and a box of baking soda and embarrassing ourselves by asking very confused natives. Update: Baking powder is a thing! The world is at peace once more.

2. What looks like butter, may or may not be cheese.

3. Everyone takes off shoes and jackets before entering someones home. If you forget, you might get yelled at.

4. Borscht is a commonly served food item and can be made many different ways, but is basically a broth vegetable soup with various seasonings.

5. The phrase "give us today our daily bread" takes on new meaning, because stockpiling groceries is not common.

6. Cheese, meat, bread, and produce are all sold very fresh and also unfortunately go bad quite quickly.( Yeah so we might have wasted some food)

7. Who needs air conditioning when you have nice big windows and a nice breeze?

8. Public transportation is a very common way to get around. Since being here we have been on a train, bus, trolley, taxi, and the metro.

9. Always bring a rain jacket or Umbrella.

10. Ukrainians are very friendly people: When meeting with a group (they always make sure to greet everyone and also to say goodbye.

11. In Ukraine there is this very delicious dish called Vareniki (similar to dumplings) and some are sweet while others are savory. Make sure you check which ones are which before buying the meat kind and planning it for dessert. Note: Just because it has a picture of a cherry does not mean it's cherry!

12. The word for "Pigeon" is the same word for "dove", голуби,  in the Ukrainian language.

13. The Ukrainian word for "mouth" is рот (pronounced rot) but it gives a whole new meaning to the phrase "potty mouth".

14. Most Ukrainians know both the Russian and Ukrainian language but many from the younger demographic seem adamant about speaking the Ukrainian language perhaps as a patriotic statement.

15. Cash is the main form of payment in most places. General travel tip: Always bring cash, don't rely on debit/credit cards.

16. Avoid public transportation if you are claustrophobic, especially during rush hours.

17. Do you like chocolate? Good because there is a Rosen chocolate store in almost every main part of town. #iammovinghere

18. Flats, flats, and more flats. Flat/apartment living is very common in the city. I did not see ANY individual houses.

19. Don't sit in the empty seat on the bus that is for the ticket guy. Wow so many concerned people with that one.

20. Never trust the ground after a good rain. The ground, may look solid, but you will find out something different when you fall on your butt.

21. I love it when I say я не понимаю (I don't understand) in a complete english accent and then who ever is talking to me just keeps talking. When I still don't understand I get two responses: Either a smile and then a few english words, or a silent (wow you're american) glare.

22. To the man on the street who put birds on my arm, and then charged me for a photo that I did not request: Not cool man, not cool.

23. I appreciate the use of сметана (sourcream) with almost every dish. #CMETAHALOVE

24. Salo is a commonly enjoyed snack for many Ukrainians. Try it once, but be warned that it is literally salted animal fat.

25. Kvas is THE drink in Ukraine. It is a fermented/brewed drink from grain and is non-alcoholic (as long as you don't keep it around for more than a few days). I tried many different kinds, but didn't like any of them. I guess this means I can never be a true Ukrainian.

26. Candy might have alcohol in it. Your children have now been warned.

27. Vyshyvanka's are part the traditional Ukrainian dress and are an embroided shirt that comes in many different styles and patterns. Vinok's are the traditional floral headdress worn by young unmarried women.

28. Want fresh flowers, strawberries, or produce? You're in luck! You can find these items and many more for sale on most every street corner, bus stop, or metro station.

29. Wifi connection is common in public places and is often for reliable than in the USA.

30. I love that all prices include taxes and that tipping servers in restaurants is not a thing. The price listed is the price you pay.

Until Next Time,


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