Reflecting on 2016

Time, it seems, moves so quickly. Another year on this earth is complete with all it's life changing happenings and yet I feel like the same lost creature from years before. I am constantly searching for meaning in this broken world and grasping at the threads of truth spoken into my life. Sometimes I wonder what significance the events of this year, and every year have on my life. Am I like a mouse just walking through a maze aimlessly to get my cheese at the end? Why would God have me play this game called life? How can I benefit this world just by my existence? I often dwell on these questions, but when the chapter ends and the scene changes I am given new found clarity into God's work within my own life. 

As I reflect on my experiences and growth of this past year, I would like to share 16 lessons God has revealed (sometimes painfully) to me in 2016. 

1. Be present: Live in the Moment. 
-Don't spend time dwelling in the "would have, could have, should have" of the past. It is a dark hole full of regret and will not benefit your future. 
- Planning for the future is great, but don't let it consume your mind, because this only brings anxiety. -Celebrate the beauty of now, before it becomes the regret of tomorrow. 

2. Prioritize friendship, and be a friend in all circumstances. 
- Don't become so busy that friends no longer matter
-Love and care for the people around you; become a source of encouragement in dark times. 
-The simple act of being a friend, and putting others needs before your own can save lives. Don't ever underestimate the power of friendship. 

3. Embrace the uncomfortable. 
-Acknowledge when a situation might be new, uncomfortable, or awkward and run towards it with arms open wide. 
-God's heart and presence is found in uncomfortable places and experiencing this is something exhilarating and scary all at once. 
- Pushing through discomfort and fear allows growth to happen physically, emotionally and spiritually. 

4. Find peace in mental chaos
-When the whole world feels like it is falling apart, search for peace and beauty. 
-Pray, pray, pray. 
-Reevaluate what is most important and find peace in the loving arms of Christ. 

5. Accept help from others: You can not do this on your own! 
-Allow God to work through his people; the result is truly humbling. 
-Get rid of pride, and admit your needs. 
-Have faith that God WILL provide and express true gratitude when he does. 

6. Work hard, but take time to enjoy the little things in life.
-Don't let work become your drug. It is a addiction that is a sure way to kill happiness. 
-Hard work is important, but balance is more important. 
-Allow yourself time to sit and take pride in your work. Appreciate life, and the people around you. 

7. Let things go! Embody Elsa. 
-Don't hold grudges. 
-Don't bottle up frustration, let it out and move on. 
- Anxieties from today will be nothing but a shadow in the long run.  

8.Working out feels amazing mentally and physcially!
-Push yourself a little more every day. 
-Don't make excuses, and DON'T compare someone else's day 20 to your day 1. 
-Take pride in your physical milestones: Only you have the power to change you sexy beast. 

9. You DON'T have to have it all together
-Realize that you can't be all things to all people. 
- Crying is good. Be weak, be depressed, show struggle, be real. 
- Embrace the rawness of humanity in all it's ugliness. 

10. You don't have to know all the answers. 
- " I don't know" is an acceptable response, and allows you to seek a true answer. 
-Why do you think you're always right? Seek wisdom from those who have gone before you or those who have better insight.
-If you think you know everything, you know nothing. 

11. Dream big & aim higher! 
- "If your dreams don't scare you, they are not big enough" 
- Don't let reality choke out your dreams and ambitions. 
-Put your self out there, be confident! Do not be afraid of rejection. 

12. Don't always try to solve peoples problems
-Many times friends just need you to listen. 
-Trying to solve other peoples problems puts too much stress and pressure on you and you go insane because you can't even solve your own problems! 
-Many times, the answers lie in the obvious cliches. Be a voice of reason and support, but allow people to come to their own conclusions. 

13. Don't be afraid to love 
-"It's better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all" 
- Break down walls, be open and vulnerable.
- You are beautiful, intelligent, strong, and deserving of love. Never convince yourself otherwise.

14. Don't be afraid to fail 
- Failure is a part of life, the sooner you can accept this and accept your own failures, the more blessings you will discover in life.
-Admit failure, let go of pride, live free.
-Don't let failure define you; get back up and work hard for your goals.

15. Decide to live positively
-Notice the beauty in every day. "Every day is not good, but there is good in every day". Recognize the good in every person.
-Do not be bound by the chains of negativity, do not dwell in the dark corners of your mind.
-Living positively does NOT mean always being happy. It means choosing to be joyful in the hurricanes of life.

16. Run wild, live free 
-Break the barriers of social norms and labels; be authentically you.
-Try new things. So much can be gained through experience.
-Christ has already freed you from the bondage of sin. Live courageously, and live the gospel where ever you go.

2016 brought tears, excitement, joy, anxiety, confusion, pain, and strength. I have gained a lot of insight into myself and those close to me, and can celebrate both the accomplishments and struggles because they represent growth. I was looking back at my goals for this past year, and realized how many I faced head on through different experiences. I would still like to continue growth in these areas, but am constantly amazed at how God answers prayers and develops his children. My 2016 goals can be reviewed here.

Finally, I believe that music speaks to the inner most part of the soul, and this year more than any other I have relied on my music to keep me going on tough days. I wanted to share a selection of songs that have helped me get get through this year, and that have been on constant repeat! 

And so now I bid farwell to 2016. пока, пока!
Until next time,


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