
Beautiful. A word used often in the english language to describe something aesthetically pleasing to the eye. The world gauges beauty based on physical attributes, but who on planet earth gets to decide what is considered beautiful or not?  For me, the word has so much more meaning than just "pretty" or the common usage to describe something visually appealing. True beauty cannot be fully captured in words or photographs, nor grasped by the human conscience, as it comes from the creator Himself. Beauty exists because God created the world and saw that "it was good"; every plant, animal, and living organism is a manifestation of His glory.

I believe beauty can be found in nature, in architecture, in art, in language, in science, and most definitely in those who God created in His own image. It reveals its self in smiles, in laughter, in breath, in growth, and even through challenges and tears. Admittedly, I  was gifted with the ability to see beauty in most anything, situation, or person. At the same time, I struggle to find myself beautiful in a world that defines beauty by the size and shape of my body (or body parts), clothing styles, facial symmetry, hair length/thickness, relationship status, etc. I notice these insecurities start to creep in when I begin to forget the source of true beauty.

In trying to rid the world and my mind of these negative thoughts, I decided to challenge myself to find and document beautiful things in my life every day for the month of July. My goal is to capture the true essence of beauty, and hopefully better understand my relationship to God the creator through his creation. I don't think that every day is beautiful, but I do believe beauty an be found in everyday.

Day 1: Panama City Beach: A lovely place to spend the day, especially with great company. There is something special about that salty air, blue sky, and the sound of the waves gently roaring onto shore. Even on a busy day, like the Saturday of July 4th weekend, the beach atmosphere can transport me to a land of relaxation and peace. #PCBisbeautiful

Day 2: On this particular day I was quite upset. I spent most of the afternoon crying my eyes out and feeling sorry for myself. As I sat amid nature in the smoldering Florida heat I noticed this dragonfly resting on a nearby branch. After examining it closely, I realized that most of it's delicate wings were torn through leaving it skeletal remains behind. Even in this state, it was beautiful. I torn through my layers of pride and cried out to God totally exposed. #exposedisbeautiful

Day 3: I have recently become obsessed with succulents. Perhaps this is because of their simplistic form, improvement for indoor air quality, or most likely because they are so easy to care for. These plants provide beautiful life, not only before my eyes but also within my lungs. #simpleisbeautiful 

Day 4: Happy Independence day! Today I was happy to celebrate the 241st anniversary of our countries independence with good friends in Panama City. The day ended with a firework show (sky glitter as I like to call it) as the community came together in patriotic wear to remember the founding of this great nation. #freedomisbeautiful
Day 5: A cotton-candy sunset after church services Wednesday night. It's no secret that I love capturing sunsets. The pictures turn out beautiful but the real thing is 10 times better. I have been missing Oklahoma sunsets, so I was very excited to spot this sweet-looking sky. #sunsetsarebeautiful
Day 6: As I was on a walk, deep in thought, this leaf fell from the trees above and landed right in front of me. It's shape reminded me of a butterfly, which has always been a symbol of positivity and transformation for me and is something I have always identified with. Romans 12:2 comes to mind, and I think about the transformation God has and continues to make in my heart. #transformationisbeautiful
Day 7: Enjoyed spending 6+ hours in the church van with these two and the others!#stayyoungstaybeautiful
Day 8: The youth group took a trip to Mount Dora children's home where we had the opportunity to learn about the ministry of the school and children's home while serving, even if just in the smallest of ways. Proud of our group who pulled weeds all morning in the Florida heat. #serviceisbeautiful

Day 9: Today we enjoyed a great church service with the Orange Avenue Church in Eustis Florida. The lesson was on being an overcomer through Christ, and the two things that kept running through my mind were Mandisa's song and things I need to overcome in my life. This photo represents fear, and though I personally was not afraid of zip lining, I saw others conquer their fear face-first. I like to pretend that i'm fearless,but in reality my fears, though not as direct or tangible, are so powerful they can hold my mind hostage and completely paralyzed #overcomingfearisbeautiful

Day 10: This Monday I was feeling a little under the weather. At first I thought it was just allergies but then realized the symptoms were closer to a serious cold. All I wanted to do is stay in bed all day, but I got up and went for a walk even though I could barely breathe as it was. The drugs helped my physical state but the fresh air did wonders for my mental state. Thankful that I have a healthy body to be able to exercise. #healthisbeautiful

Day 11: Saw this tree on my walk today. It's dead and rotting and I often think it's just one lightning strike away from falling down altogether. What purpose does it serve? I thought. But then it dawned on me, even though the tree itself is rotting, it provides shelter for birds, squirrels, and a variety of bugs and will continue providing life until its final days. Just made me think that there isn't a minimum or maximum age in serving Christ. Though our purpose may change in different stages of life, we a never without one while in God's family. #purposeisbeautiful

Day 12: Every Wednesday night at church in the summer we have a member from our congregation tell their own personal story of faith. This series has touched me in many ways, but tonight's speaker really inspired me with their honesty and giving spirit. #testimonyisbeautiful

Day 13: Did I mention a love for succulents? Saw this Cactus growing in ground littered with pine needles and moss patches. I thought it looked a little out of place, as I don't recall seeing wild cacti growing in florida landscape. Being the curious person I am, I decided to see if the needles could actually produce pain, and one bloody finger later I realized they could. Many times this cacti is like the sin in our lives. It's something right in front of us that is both attractive and endearing, and maybe something we know could hurt, but we willingly touch it anyway.Sometimes things that appear beautiful can actually be a trap of satan. #dangerlooksbeautiful

Day 14: I feel so blessed to have friends from all over the world including Rwanda, Ghana, Honduras, Ukraine, China, India, Austria, and Australia. This photo is just a glimpse into how I keep up with all my friends in various time zones. #internationalfriendsarebeautiful

Day 15: Today I got to spend the day with my family and my uncle who was in town. We went out shooting and I finally found a gun that I felt comfortable using. I have a healthy fear of guns, and always have, but it was nice to have both my dad and uncle show me that guns are to respected, but not feared. #familybondingisbeautiful

Day 16: Snapchat filters make me happy! There are some days I just need a good laugh, and I think being able to laugh at yourself does wonders for self-confidence. Why take life too seriously? #sillyisbeautiful
Day 17: Most people are afraid of spiders, and believe me I like to see them on their web and not in my house, these things are everywhere! How many times do we actually study spiders and their habits up close? I watched as this beautifully-colored banana spider carefully weaved its web over and over again. I saw it grow everyday, and even allow other spiders to share its web. In the end, I concluded that they do actually serve a purpose and that they should be admired as Gods creation just like any other creature. #spidersarebeautiful?

Day 18: This picture represents three things I love: Cats (specifically my cat), cool cars, and lazy days. Sometimes I wish my days were as simple as a cats. My cat whines at the door for food, stretches out in the sun, and finds shelter under our porch during rain showers. She is content to lay around all day and just soak up good vibes. When I was in school, there was nothing I wanted more than a "lazy day" where I could sleep in and literally do nothing. Since I came home, i've had much more of those days than are good for me. It feels good, but actually drives me crazy because I like to be busy and feel productive all the time. There is certainly a balance to be found. Today, I had a lazy day, and hung out with my kitty in the sunshine. It was lazy, but also productive in rejuvenating my spirit and refreshing my soul. #lazydaysarebeautiful

Day 19: It was great to witness a baptism tonight at church! Within the past month we have had multiple baptisms, including both my sisters and it is so encouraging to be part of a congregation that is growing both in number and faith daily. #rebirthisbeautiful

Day 20: Every time I see light beaming from behind the clouds, I always see God, showing his face upon the earth. When the clouds move, or the sky changes colors its almost like I can see the changing facial expressions of God himself. Maybe i'm the only one? But those glimpses of God's smile keep me going on tough days. #theskyisbeautiful

Day 21: This picture was taken two years ago on Easter, but it is difficult to get pictures with this guy. Today is Timothy's 24th birthday and though we've gone on our own paths as adults, I can't help but remember all the adventures we had together as kids, and the the strange words or games you made up. I don't always understand you like I wish I could, but I will defend you in a heartbeat, and try to help you out whatever the circumstances. #differentisbeautiful

Day 22: Went for the walk in the Florida sun. This patch of shade was a welcome relief to the scorching temperatures from above. I began to think about all the passages in John declaring Jesus as the light of the world, and then begun to feel a bit of guilt for enjoying the shade so much. As I pondered what it meant to truly "walk in the light, as He is in the Light" I considered 1 John 1:5 that says "God is light, in Him there is no darkness." It hit me. Shadows cannot be produced in the absence of light, therefore shadows and shade were meant to be a layer of protection between us, and the radiate glory of God, not a shameful place to hide. #shadowsarebeautiful

Day 23: So excited to have the opportunity to spend a week at one of my favorite places on earth. I hope the campers and staff alike make the most of this time spent together at a place that has been such a big part of my life. #campwiregrassisbeautiful

Day 24:This picture was taken during athletics. It was awesome to see all of the girls working together towards a common goal. #teamworkisbeautiful

Day 25: On Tuesday, instead of pool time, we took a short hike down to the creek with all the girls. As the cool water tickled our toes and the faint breeze made our hair dance, an overwhelming feeling of peace overtook me. I stood in silence, amazed at the beauty that surrounded me, carefully planned by our Creator. This picture depicts a candid moment of peace and reflection. #Godscreationisbeautiful

Day 26: I am so glad I got to serve as a counselor along side these ladies. I greatly enjoyed their company and all the late night shenanigans. I laughed more on our nightly adventures than I have in a long while. #laughterisbeautiful

 Day 27: Today is my best friend's birthday! We may be completely different people, but our friendship has made it 14 years and i'm thankful for every second that she has been in my life.   #truefriendshipisbeautiful

Day 28: Our theme this week has been "Go" based off of the great commission in Matthew 28. The lessons, bible classes, and devos have been focused on the 12 disciples and God's message to all Christians to take the gospel everywhere you go. #thegreatcommissionisbeautiful

Day 29:Today I have two photos. The first is of all the campers and staff from this past week and the second is of my sweet Navajo cabin at the banquet. Love all these people!  #campwiregrasspeoplearebeautiful

Day 30: I am cheating a little bit with this photo as it was actually taken on Monday morning, not Sunday, but it related to thoughts I had on Sunday. I was called in for an interview in Jacksonville, and on the way there, I prayed and prayed that God would give me the right words to say, and that I could have confidence in both my skills and knowledge. When I woke up monday morning, I felt good about myself and my abilities and was able to confidently express myself in my interview.  #confidenceisbeautiful

Day 31: Today I got to explore the historic old town of Saint Augustine Florida. It was great to spend time with my sisters in such a beautiful and historic place. #saintaugustineisbeautiful

Until next time,


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