Desert Dwelling

Deserts are commonly thought of as remote, hot, miserable, and not able to sustain much life or vegetation. They have been used to describe a particularly gloomy or difficult time and can even refer to death. They are barren, remote, open, and most of all empty. As a beach lover from a state almost completely surrounded by water the idea of a desert sounded suffocating.

  A few weeks back I was blessed to go to the Grand Canyon. This is something that has been on my bucket list since before the idea of a bucket list ever came to mind. It was a surprise trip so I didn't have much time to process and had no idea what to expect. Entering the desert was like exploring the great unknown with a breath of fresh air around every corner. During my dessert dwelling I experienced....
The color saturation of a beautiful sunset 


Lush green vegetation 

Facing fears and more bucket-listing 

A beautifully detailed canvas painted by the Great Creator

A perfect place to sit and ponder the meaning of life


Something so unfathomably bigger than myself (and my arm span) 



Many times in life I have felt like I was aimlessly wandering through a desert similar to what I described previously. Like I couldn't ever catch a break from the miserably hot sun beating on my shoulders around every bend or escape the fact that death surrounded me. God was distant, if even present at all and I felt alone, struggling to gain back breath and meaning. In my short time of desert dwelling, I found an abundance of life, breath, and peace in my surroundings. I realized that life isn't always what it seems. Sometimes all that is needed is a perspective change. There IS beauty, there IS life, there IS air, even in the desert if only one looks up from the rocks they are stumbling on and embraces the God that surrounds them. 
Until Next Time, 


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