Hindsight is 2020
Looking back into this past year, I can see so many ways I have grown and God has made his presence known. I smile when I remember all the good memories and beautiful moments I experienced. 2019 continued to teach me more about who God is, and therefore, who I am. I started last year, confused, bored of life, lacking purpose, and struggling to find contentment. Even in this mindset, I knew God was there and prayed that he would show me the way and give me purpose in the day-to-day. My word of the year was joy. It is a simple word, but a completely different way of thinking. God renewed my joy and showed me that he has a purpose and plan for me right where I am. Releasing the chains of negativity, freeing me from the bondage of toxic relationships and ways of thinking about myself, and protecting me from engaging in gossip, judgmental thoughts, and slander against self and others. This "joy" does not mean I am happy all the time that is for sure. I go through waves of depression, anxiety, bitterness, self pity, and negativity. However, my source of nutrients has been restored because I am connected to the one who gives life, light, and joy. God has healed alot of my discontent and anxiety through out this past year and has gently showed me the true nature of His agape love. He has also given me endurance in the hard times, patience with difficult people, and discernment to block out negative lies that Satan throws.
In thinking about my goals and desires for this new year, I decided that "intentional" would be my guiding word for the year. For 2020, I prayed over 20 things that I would like to be intentional about this year and incorporate into my daily thought process and they are...
1. Intentional about showing God's love to those around me.
2. Intentional with the way I budget and spend my money.
3. Intentionally giving generously in faith, time, money, and resources.
4. Intentional about getting healthy and being the best version of myself I can be.
5. Intentional with time
6. Intentional with my prayer life.
7. Intentional in loving and serving my future husband in a way that would strengthen our relationship.
8. Intentional about keeping up with friends and making them a priority.
9. Intentional in expressing my needs, and creating space for self care.
10. Intentional about becoming more sustainable for mind, body, and the earth.
11. Intentional in creating and doing things that make my soul happy.
12. Intentionally avoiding gossip
13. Intentionally creating margin for "quiet time" with the Father
14. Intentional in not letting fear control me.
15. Intentional in being kind in every circumstance
16. Intentional in doing every task, as to the Lord with out complaining.
17. Intentionally not putting myself in situations that would bring on extra anxiety or stress.
18. Intentional with both my yes's and no's
19. Intentional in being a life long learner and gaining knowledge on my path to being a boss babe.
20. Most importantly, intentional about focusing my entire life around God and aligning my self with His will.
I know some might say that these goals aren't specific enough and that listing a bunch of ideals for the person I want to be won't actually encourage any action. But for me, being intentional is a mindset shift. Once the mind focuses on what it wants to become, it will naturally set short-term goals to get there. I know I won't do all or most of these perfectly, but if they are on my mind I will strive to do better in these areas as I live my daily life. I would love for people in my life to keep me accountable on this journey, but maybe even do it along side with me. Please let me know if there is any goals I can support you in or remind you of in this new year. Remember, it is not about perfection but about intention. Let's make 2020 the best year yet!
Until next time,
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